A. R. Rahman Hong Kong reports
S.C.M.P. 18/2/2006Indian star A.R. Rahman chose to pray quietly at the Mosque Street mosque and enjoyed a curry lunch as the city's Muslims took to the streets over the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in Europe. He said he shunned politics.
My theory of life is love and music, said Rahman, in town a day early to catch Friday prayers and to prepare for his first Hong Kong concert tonight at the Convention and Exhibition Centre, where the most expensive ticket costs $3,880.
I feel blessed that I'm able to play music. I hate politics. Politicians divide the world, while musicians unite it, he said.
Born Allah Rakha Rahman in 1966 in India, he is considered one of the world's finest composers and has written scores for more than 50 Bollywood films. He began playing music at an early age and earned a scholarship to study western classical music at Oxford University.
His first movie album, Roja, was listed in Time magazine's top 10 movie soundtracks of all time. He is best known for combining technology and classical Indian musical instruments, and has sold 100 million records worldwide.
Rahman, who has cut his signature long hair since a trip to Mecca last month, has been to Hong Kong before and enjoys the shopping. He was eager to see who would turn up at tonight's concert. I'm quite anxious to see the audience, whether there will be southern or northern Indians or Chinese.
Tonight's show has been labelled the city's first three-D concert. A 60-square-metre LED screen will project three-dimensional images. Glasses will be distributed to the audience to view the special effects. Tonight's three-and-a-half-hour show cost US$1 million to produce.
Rahman, who wrote music for Andrew Lloyd Webber's hit Bombay Dreams, has been working on the West End version of Lord of the Rings. He composed the score for Chinese movie Warriors of Heaven and Earth and said he was looking forward to working with more Chinese filmmakers.
I'm a big fan of Chinese films, such as Raise the Red Lantern and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, he said. If there was an opportunity I would jump on it and say yes.
蘋果日報 《印 度 音 樂 大 師 靚 聲 響 徹 會 展》 18/2/2006
印 度 著 名 歌 手 拉 曼 〈 A R Rahman 〉 前 日 抵 港 , 昨 日 隨 即 在 紅 磡 一 酒 店 舉 行 記 者 會 , 宣 傳 他 今 日 在 灣 仔 會 展 新 翼 舉 行 的 演 唱 會 。

身 為 虔 誠 回 教 徒 的 拉 曼 , 在 記 者 會 前 先 往 中 環 一 回 教 寺 參 拜 , 會 展 方 面 亦 安 排 了 一 房 間 方 便 他 禱 告 。
拉曼 表 示 雖 然 首 次 在 港 開 演 唱 會 , 但 曾 多 次 訪 港 購 物 , 他 以 英 語 說 : 「 我 經 常 來 香 港購 物 , 最 鍾 意 去 尖 沙 嘴 。 」 他 又 表 示 曾 幫 台 灣 歌 手 蔡 依 林 造 音 樂 , 而 他 先 後 推 出 過五 十 多 張 唱 片 , 其 中 一 張 名 為 《 World Wide 》 的 大 碟 , 全 球 賣 出 一 千 萬 張 。
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