Thursday, May 18, 2006


How can we comment Indian film like "Black"? Oh well, it's a good film. But something is wrong about the film, no matter how hard Rani and Amitabh Bachachan they try.

The problem is that it is not like an Indian story. It is more like a story happen in England or Scotland or New England. And the characters in the film is so much unlike Indian. (You could find that out if you compare their mannar with other characters in other mainstream Bollywood films) And more important is that, it's not just happen in "Black", but also in other so-called serious Indian movies, such as Fire and Raincoat. When I saw the head of the family in Fire said, "How dare you! How dare you!", I just find it strange. It's just not like an Indian speaking, but an English gentlemen's speaking.

I think that Indian movie should have their own character, characters in the film should speak like Indian and act like Indian. Otherwise, it's so strange and not real.


問題是它太不像是一個印度人的故事。故事更加像是一個英倫或美國東北岸的故事。戲中的角色的行為舉止都不像一般的印度人。其實這種情況並不單單在這一部電影中出現,在其他所謂嚴肅的印度電影中,也出現類似的情況,如Fire, Raincoat。



At 5/23/2006 02:34:00 pm, Blogger Agnes Tse said...

最大問題是整套戲都是襲自The Miracle Worker. 我真不明白, 抄也可以, 為何連拍攝場面, 人物角色...都要學足西方版本?


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