Friday, March 30, 2007

HKIFF neglects Bollywood

For decades, organizers of Hong Kong International Film Festival were proud of themselves for organizing the best film festival in Asia. Even though in recent years, Hongkongers has been facing the challenge from Koreans and Thais, they still think that HKIFF is the most important window for westerners to watch Asian movies.

But, there is a blindspot of the HKIFF, i.e. Indian movies. Except organizing a feature once in late 1990s, HKIFF seldom put Indian movies on the list. If you compare the movies showed from Iran, Japan and Korea, you'll know their cups of tea.

This year, they introduce Viva Bollywood! Yet, it's another disappointment for not showing films like Faana, Water...etc. For a countries produce more than 800 films a year, is it so difficult to find a few movie to show?

HKIFF organizer, if you don't know about India movie, then visit this blog la, maybe we can give you some hints.



At 3/31/2007 01:36:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 12/31/2007 12:52:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I can remember, "Devdas" is the only Bollywood moie shown in HK!!

My mon told me that when she was a kid, she could watch Bollywood movie on TV!!
And NOW I can only watch the $20 DVD from Chungking Mansion!!
Bollywood movies aren't only about dance & songs, there are lots of other things that can be discovered !!


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