為何我認為 "Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam" 不是由 Guru Dutt 執導!
Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam (老爺、太太與僕人)被不少人認為是 Guru Dutt 假借御用編劇 Abrar Alvi 之名義的作品。不過,我卻另有看法。
無疑,電影不少鏡頭充滿 Guru Dutt 的影子,但細看之下,如一些 Zoom in/ Zoom out 的鏡頭實在用得太濫,甚至有部份鏡頭運用得有點兒無厘頭,不像《求之不得》和《紙花》兩齣作品那樣手起刀落,乾淨利落。以《求之不得》天台一場戲為例,妓女與詩人的焦距鏡運用就合理得多。
另外,電影的調子也與《求之不得》和《紙花》兩者不同。這兩套 Guru Dutt 的經典,調子是憤世灰暗的,Abrar Alvi 這齣作品雖然對戲中女主角的悲慘命運不無婉惜慨嘆之筆觸,但卻沒有 Guru Dutt 對俗世的尖銳批判。整個世界觀很不一樣。相對上述兩齣戲,此片的訊息柔和得多。
當然,不排除部份場面,Guru Dutt 或技癢幫忙,如七名舞者在莊園內獻舞一幕,燈光只打在中間一名舞者身上,兩旁各三人全被燈光效果變成黑色影子,就是氣度不凡的大師手筆。
據聞,Abrar Alvi 曾為此感到不平。不過,也沒有辦法。誰叫你一生只執導一齣戲,而且片中盡是 Guru Dutt 的影子!俱往矣,隨着Abrar Alvi 去年十一月也仙遊,已無法找到當事人查證。
- http://www.exoticindiaart.com/book/details/IDC375/%22%3E "he ranted about the fact that he was still being robbed of his right the credit for directing Guru Dutt Films most lauded most awarded, film Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam. Critics have over the years insisted that Abrar was only a front for a director who had decided he did not want to take credit thanks to a superstition resulting from the debacle of Kaagaz ke Phool that he was jinxed.Abrar would bubble over when he came to that point. He had many ways of proving he was the man at the helm, that it was his baby from start to finish. He had proof, witnesses and had produced them at times, but the doubt remained in people’s minds-the suspicion once planted, would not be erased. More than four decade after the films release, it still hurt him that the finest hour was attributed to someone else."
- http://www.nowrunning.com/news/news.aspx?it=17344 "Abrar Alvi's favourite movies were "Pyasa", as well as "Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam" because he directed it, Saran said."
- http://www.aol.in/bollywood-story/abrar-alvi-remembered/676414
"Unfortunately, Alvi never received full credit for 'Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam', which had all the hallmarks of a Guru Dutt movie. There was always a controversy regarding the real director of the movie. It was often unkindly said that Guru Dutt ghost directed the movie. "
Labels: Guru Dutt
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Loso 兄, Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam的確不是由Guru Dutt執導:
1) Waheeda Rehman親自證實, 在片場導演的人是Abrar Alvi;
2) Guru Dutt自Kaagaz Ke Phool後失去執導的信心, 故只肯擔任監製. Guru Dutt不替Chaudhvin Ka Chand (1960) 執導, 反而是考慮到故事與伊斯蘭教有關, 他不熟悉伊斯蘭教習俗, 所以找了一位信奉伊斯蘭教的導演取而代之.
3) Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam是Guru Dutt買下原著小說版權, 再跟作者Bimal Mitra一同改篇, 所以Guru Dutt對影片的影響力還在;
4) Abrar Alvi承認影片其中一幕舞蹈 (應該就是你提出那一幕), 的確由Guru Dutt親自操刀;
5) Abrar Alvi在Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam之後回到編劇崗位. 相信此舉志在義助Guru Dutt.
6) Abrar Alvi認為, 如果Pyaasa代表年輕時的Guru Dutt, Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam就代表了中年的Guru Dutt. 但是否表示Guru Dutt放開了心結, 那又未必. Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam上映後, 甚至得到國家頒發的加許獎狀, 但Guru Dutt其後曾經自殺不遂.
Loso兄, 是Guru Dutt, 不是Gugu Dutt. 我想你手快了 :)
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